what our customers say

My name is Laura Nicolaisen and I am 21 years old. I am riding horses since I was a child. I was lucky to grow up with my own horses and ponies and so I spent every minute in the stable.
I was always fearless in the saddle until I fell of a horse during a test ride 2013. A lumbar vertebra got broken. Afterwards I was afraid that something worse could happen if I fell again. I didn’t know how to handle that fear and so I had to quit riding for some time. Due to the frustration and lack of exercise I gained some weight. However, horses and riding were still in my mind, but I couldn’t move on so easily.
For getting back into the saddle and to the horses I bought a classic protector. Because of its stiffness I wasn’t convinced. I had the feeling, that this shell would even limit my movement and it reminded me of my injury. I was looking for something more safe and comfy and so I found the Hit Air airbag vests. As soon as the vest arrived at my place I was enthused. The vest is just like normal clothing and provides complete freedom of movement. Since that day I am riding regularly and I lost 18 kilos! After I while I started to look for a new horse of my own again. Meanwhile I own a Holsteiner gelding and I am looking forward to the future. Wearing the airbag vest is so natural to me like wearing a helmet and I would never ride without it again. I am so happy that I can sit on my horse with a feeling of safety and that I can enjoy my spare time.

A couple of weeks ago I bought the model “MCplus”. Yesterday during jumping training I fell off the horse into the obstacle and my head hit against a tree. The airbag inflated immediately. Thanks to the neck airbag my neck stayed stable even though it hit the tree.
After my fall I just stood up and continued riding like nothing happened.
Thank you Hit Air for this great airbag.
Me as a show jumping rider, I can just recommend this product, it’s not only for eventing riders.There would be definitely less accidents if more riders use this vest in show jumping.
Kind regards
Peter Hutter/Bodensee

Dear Hit-Air team,
yesterday I experienced the full extent of my “MCplus” vest. My “little” horse liked the stubble field so much, that I couldn’t handle its bucking anymore and so I fell off. During my fall I thought: Well, let’s see when it triggers!
And before I hit the ground the full airbag inflated around me – great!
Not even the typical aches and pains appeared the next day.
After a serious riding accident one year ago, including broken lumbar vertebra, surgery and three months of no riding, I was always a bit scared of another fall. But now I am completely relaxed. This vest was the best purchase! THANK YOU!
Best wishes,
Jeanette Berens

I just wanted to say thank you for this great safety vest. It saved me from many injuries when I fell off my horse. I just had a broken shoulder.
I can recommend this great product to everybody and I will never jump with my horse again without it. To me it was as if I landed on an air mattress. In the protected areas I didn’t have any hematoma or pain, so once again thank you!
Tanja Hoffmann

Dear Hit-Air team,
we bought an airbag vest for our daughter Lisa at “Hansepferd” Exhibition. The price was a bit high, but the safety of our show jumping kids is important to us.
Two weeks later there was a competition at our equestrian club. Lisa wanted to sign up for an A-level show jumping competition with her six year old horse for the first time.
Many people and even the judges of the competition asked some question about the new riding vest of our daughter and everyone wanted to see how it works. Well, this is not so easy to show… Who wants to fall off horse on purpose?
At the last obstacle Lisa’s horse stopped immediately and she flew over the horse’s neck against the obstacle stand.
One of the judges said “The vest worked, great!” and everyone thought Lisa would lay on the ground and start crying. However, Lisa laughed, stood up and said “It was just a funny feeling. I didn’t even realized, that I hit the ground!”
We were impressed by this airbag vest and a doctor said that it can save lives, especially with the protection for the neck.
So, we never spent money for a better product on an exhibition!
Greetings from Lisa’s parents

This is how my accident happened:
A collided with a huge branch while riding full speed on a eventing competition, level L. I fell off the horse and I suffered a serious concussion and a cerebral hemorrhage. No fractures!
The ambulance men said it was like a wonder, that I survived an that my spine didn’t get injured. Because of the crash I still have some problems with my arm muscles, but the doctors said, that everything will be just like it was before.
Underneath the airbag vest I was wearing a classic spine protection. Just in case the airbag doesn’t inflate if I fall with my horse together. This is the only thing, that I would improve: added protection like classic safety vests underneath the airbag.
This vest definitely saved my life! No doubt. And now I can just start riding again without being scared.
Thank you so much for this vest!!!
Dr. Jakob Roethlisberger ( 2007 Eventing champion, Switzerland)

My name is Stefanie and I contract amyosthenia for four years. This is why I practice riding as a sport for disabled people.
I fell of my mare two times already and both times fractures of my spine were included. Thank God, nothing is damaged permanently.
After my second fall I remembered a report about airbag vests. I didn’t want to challenge my luck for the third time and so it was clear, that I wanted to have such an airbag vest. Every other safety vest I tested before, was not suitable for me. I contacted Hit Air to test their product. At first, the weight of the vest was a bit uncomfortable, but after a while this airbag vest belongs to my safety package just as my helmet and my safety stirrups.
I am also wearing my vest in competitions and I experience a great acceptance and curiosity by the judges. If you’re interested in how the vest looks in motion, look for “Maimarktturnier” on youtube.
I hope that this article helps in making a decision for the Hit Air airbag vest. Have fun and always a good ride!
Best wishes
Stefanie Groll

Hello Hit Air team,
yesterday I fell of my 12 year old gelding for the first time. I always trust him, but he got afraid of a “ghost” in the riding arena and took a 180 degree turn. I was so surprised, that I didn’t had a chance to stay on his back.
During my “flight” I realized how the vest inflated immediately. I didn’t had that experience before. The vest inflated almost with no sound and even with the fully inflated airbag I didn’t had a feeling of narrowness.
I fell with my back on the ground and I was shocked, but I didn’t had any pain. I thought that I would be sitting here today, covered in bruises, but because of the vest I don’t have a tiny scratch!
My wife owns a Hit Air vest for a long time and last year I gave it to myself as a Christmas present. Although I was sceptic at first. The vest is very comfy to wear, even in Summer and I feel “naked” in the saddle without it.
So now, after I made use of my vest, I can – no, I have to – recommend it to every other rider. Safety first! My wife and me won’t ride without it anymore!
Dipl.-Ing. D.Sturm

Dear Hit-Air Team,
Thank you so much for the cartridges! Although I didn’t need another one so far, lucky me!
I started riding in 1996 and was a complete beginner. I’ve never had a serious fall, but then, last December, I had two falls in a row. Once while I was show jumping, my coccyx got seriously bruised, even though I was wearing a classic safety vest. And three weeks later I suffered a fracture of my hand.
After my mandatory break and the regeneration of my hand I felt, that I was afraid, that something like that could happen again. And I couldn’t get over that feeling! Me, 42 years old, self-employed person, mother of three children and so on… I can’t afford any absence because of my hobby! Coincidently I saw the Hit-Air airbag vest at the “Equitana” Exhibition in Essen, Germany and bought one instantly!
I can report, that I had to make use of my vest two times (unfortunately). One time I left the back of my horse involuntarily after the last obstacle in a training session. Probably I was so relieved that everything went well, that I lost my concentration. However: vest inflated, nothing happened. Two weeks later my horse was so happy to go for a ride outside, that I left his back once again – soft landing! The vest activated itself in proper form for both times. My falls were absorbed perfectly and I didn’t had a small bruise! The exchange of the cartridge is a bit difficult to read, but once you know how to do it, it’s very easy.
I am recognizing, that my fear of another fall is shrinking and that I can sit more relaxed in the saddle. I am also a bit more confident when my horse and me are arguing and it realized that as well! Another advantage is, that I don’t feel like I am wearing a straitjacket.
Hit-Air definitely convinced me!
Kind regards
Dr. Kristina Hansen

Thank you so much for the quick shipment of my new motorcycle jacket. I like it very much and so I would like to give you a feedback.
After a friend of mine had a serious accident with his motorbike he will never ride a motorbike again because of his injuries. My need for more safety on the bike rises because of that. So I did some research and found your jackets for bikers. I was a bit sceptic at first, but the whole airbag system convinced me. I tried the jacket by activating it manually. The airbag inflated in less than one second and I am convinced that this system will help me very much in an accident, especially in city traffic. Another advantage is, that the airbag jacket owns CE protectors just like normal jackets for motor cyclists. Even though the price is high, I am so happy, that I found your airbag jackets and will recommend them to my friends. Design is always a question of taste, but I like the look!
So thank you very much once again – also for the qualified consultancy.
Daniel, Berlin

I’ve seen the Hit-Air vest at “Equitana” Exhibition in Essen, Germany. My nine year old daughter loves horseback riding and I am always worried about her safety. The vest was presented to us with all of its functions, my daughter tried some models on and we decided to buy one.
Unfortunately we ordered the wrong size but the exchange was no problem. Mr. Butenschön was very nice and shipped the right size. I hoped that we would only have to activate the vest manually once a year, but life has other plans…
So it also happened to us. The seven year old Quarter Horse, which my daughter rides regularly, spooked and my daughter fell off. Thanks to the Hit-Air airbag vest, which inflated immediately, my daughter was just a little bit shocked, that she fell off. No bruises, no scratches. I am convinced, that a normal safety vest would never offer the full surrounding protection (especially for the neck). I can recommend this vest with a good feeling. The price is not cheap, but you won’t regret it. My daughter is not afraid to get back on the horse, because she knows, that the vest will protect her perfectly, if she falls again.
R. de Vries

Hello Mr. Butenschön,
Thank you so much for your friendly consultancy and the quick shipment of our new Hit-Air airbag vests.
A year ago, I had a serious riding accident including a 5 kilo hematoma in my lumbar vertebra area. After three months I could slowly start riding again. Every ride was combined with stress and discomfort, which had some negative impacts on my horse and so I fell off again. I had to ride with a protector, but because of its stiffness it wasn’t that much fun anymore.
I read an article about airbag vests in “Cavallo” magazine and so I ordered one right away. The wearing comfort is just awesome, just like normal clothing, and it doesn’t restrict your movements in the saddle while being air permeable. In addition to that I think it’s great, that the vests provides protection for neck, pelvis and coccyx. Now we can enjoy our ride again to the fullest!
A friend of mine and my daughter were also so enthused by my vest, that they ordered one for themselves as well.
So thank you so much again and best wishes
Karin Freisler

I am riding three times a week, almost most of the time in the field including 5 kilometers of gallop.
So I had a riding accident a couple of kilometers from the stable. Just in the middle of the nicest gallop “Leonardo” tripped and fell. I was able to roll away and the airbag was activated at the right time. It wasn’t loud at all and I landed softly, no pain. The most interesting thing for me was, that I didn’t had a shock or feeling of fear because of the fall!!! Great fall, even if this sounds a bit weird. Leonardo wasn’t injured as well and so we could get back to stable with no problems. Back there I quickly exchanged the cartilage – also no problem.
I am so satisfied with my Hit-Air vest – I would never ride without it! The name is just telling it: this vest is a hit! I recommend this vest to every rider!!
Dr. Fennes

I am riding horses successfully for many years. Because of my curiosity for new, innovative products, I bought a Hit Air vest and I have to say I am enthused!
My horse and me are a great team, but after an unspectacular fall I wanted to be prepared.
At the beginning I was a bit irritated by the cartridge, but I got used to it very quickly. What I like about it in special is, that I can wear a safety vest without the feeling of being a Michelin mascot. My trainer said, that my seat didn’t get influenced by the vest, other than riders who use a classic safety vest, especially children.
Kind regards,
C. Gittel

I read about the Hit-Air vests in a magazine for riders and I thought that this product could be something for me.
I’ve just bought a young gelding before. Unexperienced and not that reliable than my second horse. End of August 2007 I ordered and received my Hit-Air vest. Since that day I never get in the saddle without it and I always thought that this purchase was a bit of a waste of money. Until Yesterday.
Yesterday I wanted to take an easy-going ride to the field. On our way home my little boy spooked and jumped over something I couldn’t see. Unfortunately he “lost” me when he jumped. While falling I could feel how the vest inflated quickly and I landed without any pain on the ground.
In spite of the shocked faces of the other people in our group I didn’t had a single bruise. According to my experience I can recommend this vest to everybody else. This vest is a real hit!
I was never irritated by wearing the vest, because it is so comfy and nice to wear. Usually you are insecure or tense after you had a fall, but this time the fall was so “comfortable” that I wasn’t afraid for one second and could get directly back in to the saddle.
Thank you for the nice consultancy and best wishes
Claudia Otten

The Hit-air safety vest was a real good investment of my mother. I’ve always refused to wear a classic safety vest, but now my Hit-Air vest is as natural to wear as my helmet – it doesn’t matter if I practice dressage or show jumping or if I just go for a ride in the field. At first I was a bit worried whether the spiral cord could distract me while I’m riding, but it doesn’t stand out at all. When the vest was still new to me I forgot to “unfasten” the spiral cord :-).
My horse wasn’t impressed at all at since that day I’ve never forgot it again. I exchanged the cartridge by myself. It was nice though, to feel how I am wrapped up when it comes to an accident.
J. Günther

Irmgard Koch describes her riding accident:
“It was a hack with 8 horses and one of it got afraid and ran away. My horse followed. The rider of the horse fell off and a couple of moments me as well. I was wearing the airbag jacket “Equipe” and I was so glad about it.
1989 I had a similar riding accident, but without wearing an airbag jacket. The result was that I suffered a comminuted fracture of my lumbar vertebra and I had to spent 10 weeks in hospital.
This time nothing happened to me.”

The Hit-Air vest for riders is just awesome and I can recommend it to everybody. I am feeling so secure on our horses and I couldn’t imagine to ride without the vest anymore. It’s not only looking good, it’s also easy to handle. But the most important thing is: it delivers on its promises! The vest inflates even before I hit the ground. I am daring to go on a field ride, what I would have never done before! I am feeling so confident right now.
Best wishes
Desiree Nöllgen

My horse had two weeks of “holidays” in Autumn 2007. After I started riding it again, it wanted to get rid of all the excess energy in our first riding lesson. Well, that was way too fast for me and so I tried to slow my horse down. It didn’t took long and my horse had enough of my checks and so it started bucking. I am not a very experienced rider and I fell off with my back towards the ground. I already expected that I would spend the next weeks in bed but then I heard, that my vest inflated with a little “Plopp!” and I landed softly. I didn’t had any bruises or black and blue marks. That’s why I can advise every rider to buy such an airbag vest.
Marion Tewes

Hello Hit-Air team!
I am riding with my Hit-Air airbag vest for half a year and I am very pleased with it. I’ve seen the vest before when another rider had worn it in the stable. She decided for that sort of safety vest after she had a serious riding accident. Looking at the vest, I like its simple and shapely design.
There is not a big difference to a regular vest for riding and so I was a bit surprised by its weight. But as I have worn it some more times I forgot about it. The vest is very comfy and guarantees the full amount of movement in the saddle. I love to wear my Hit-Air vest when I ride into the field because it gives me the perfect feeling of security.
The plugging in and out of the spiral cord goes without any problems, but I had to get used to it. I had to remind myself, that I am still attached to saddle before I dismount.
In our stable many people are interested in this safety vest. Of course, this kind of safety has its price. But when you consider all of the other costs for your horse like saddle blankets or halters or even the costs for an injury after an accident, your own safety should be that important to you that you invest your money for a Hit-Air safety vest.
Kind regards
Nicola Rewicki, Kleinmachnow

This is how my accident happened:
The horse in front of our group shied away because of a plastic bag, which was hanging in a tree, and bolted. And so did my horse. We galloped in high speed towards a street and I took a turn to the left. However this turn was too sharp and so I fell off my horse. I’ve fallen on my head and then landed on the left side of my body. As I was laying on the ground I could hear the air oozing out of the airbag. So the vest worked perfectly!
My experience with the model “MCplus” is, that it is very easy to handle and the it inflates very quickly. You have a reliable protection in case of a fall down. I like the light weight and the easy way to adjust my vest for summer and winter clothing.
Claudia Lehmann, München

I didn’t suffer any serious injuries and so in my opinion I am perfectly protected.
I had a serious accident last year, unfortunately without wearing an airbag vest. I had issues for over a year.
Another time, we were cantering with two other riders on a hack in the field. I was in the second position with my horse and after some meters the path took a 90 degree turn. I think my mare was a unable to cope that sudden change of direction and she started bucking. I tried to stay in the saddle but after a short time I fell off. My airbag vest got activated at the right time and none of the other horses got frightened.
My Hit-Air airbag vest allows me a feeling of security and calmness which I also pass on to my horse. Even after the vest inflated, my horse was still cool and started grazing.
The vest is very nice to wear and doesn’t affect my movements while I am in the saddle. It’s easily to adjust and looks good on top!
Kind regards
Silvia Holzleitner